Dining Facilities


Kitchen and dining accommodations are a critical component to workforce camps. Keeping your workforce fed nutritiously helps keep them safer and more productive on the job. Our modular commercial kitchen and dining solutions are uniquely designed to support Canada's diverse terrain and are constructed using durable, high-grade materials that meet or exceed local building, electrical, mechanical and plumbing codes. Whether you need to meet the dining needs of a few or several hundred workers, our modular complexes are multi-functional and can be fully equipped with kitchen/food preparation areas, storage areas, cafeteria-style seating areas and commercial grade appliances including stoves, ranges, dishwashers, refrigerators and freezers.

Our modular dining solutions:

  • Provide a multi-functional dining area that scales with your workforce's needs
  • Range from a basic cafeteria-style seating area to a custom, commercial grade facility complete with catering services
  • Provide a clean, comfortable, spacious environment to keep your workforce nourished

Complete your space by choosing from a variety of our turnkey add-on products and packages, saving you time and money, so that your modular kitchen and dining solution is ready to work from day one.

At WillScot of Canada, our people and solutions are ready to work. So from day one, you too are ready to work.

*Availability varies by branch location. Not all products are guaranteed to be in stock. Products are shown with all available features and may vary. Additional products and features may be available. Contact a representative for more information on what products and features are currently available near you.


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